Worship Times
Join us for worship in-person, online, or via Facebook and YouTube.
Join us for Worship!
North Campus
8:30am Traditional
9:45am Contemporary
10:45am Contemporary
South Campus
8:30am Traditional (Chapel)
9:30am Contemporary
10:45am Contemporary
West Campus
9:30am Contemporary
10:45am Contemporary
Online (Facebook & YouTube)
8:30am Traditional
10:45am Contemporary
to Pastor Paul’s Email for Updates – Click HERE
to Pastor Paul’s Email for Updates – Click HERE
Lent Sermon Series:
Living on a Prayer – March 9-April 6
Living on a Prayer – March 9-April 6
We invite you to come to worship Wednesdays and Sundays during Lent as we look at examples of prayer in the Bible to get us thinking about how we pray. Sometimes we treat prayer as a cosmic slot machine. Let’s throw a request, and if we are lucky, God will answer. But prayer is so much more than that. It is how we have a relationship with God. Through prayer, our God invites us to personally communicate with Him.
Prayer is not a static religious obligation, but a dynamic Holy Spirit led transformation. Let us come together in worship and prayer this Lent as we learn how to communicate more with our Creator and to lift up the concerns of one another and our community. Our God who infinitely loves us hears and answers our prayers!
Communion Dates 2025
March 9 – April 2, 6, 17 & 30 – May 4 & 28
At-Home Communion Instruction
Watch a video about these instructions: Click HERE
To participate from your home in the sacrament of communion which should only be done during worship under the guidance of Hope’s pastors please follow these instructions:
What you will need:
- Real Bread (Wheat or Gluten Free) or Wafers
- Red Wine or Grape Juice
- Your best plate and cup(s)
- Have all elements prepared before worship.
- The pastor will share the words of institution.
- The pastor will then say, “The Body of Christ, broken for you”; at this time eat the bread.
- The pastor will say, “The blood of Christ, shed for you”; at this time drink the wine.
- Receive God’s forgiveness in Jesus Christ with joy!
Holy Week & Easter Worship Schedule
Palm Week | Wednesday, April 9 & Sunday, April 13
During regular Wednesday and Sunday worship times.
Maundy Thursday | April 17
North Campus
6:00pm (Traditional)
7:15pm (First Communion)
6:00pm (Traditional)
7:15pm (First Communion)
South Campus
6:00pm (First Communion) (Livestream)
6:00pm (First Communion) (Livestream)
7:15pm (First Communion)
West Campus
6:00pm (First Communion)
6:00pm (First Communion)
7:15pm (First Communion)
Good Friday | April 18
(see service descriptions below)
(see service descriptions below)
North Campus
“No Greater Love” Cantata
“No Greater Love” Cantata
South Campus
Shadow Passion Play
6:00pm (Livestream)
6:00pm (Livestream)
West Campus
Power of the Cross Drama
Power of the Cross Drama
Easter Saturday | April 19
North Campus
South Campus
Easter Sunday | April 20
North Campus
8:00am (Traditional) (Livestream)
8:00am (Traditional) (Livestream)
South Campus – Sanctuary
10:10am (Livestream)
South Campus – Discovery Center
8:00am (Traditional)
9:00am (Traditional)
10:10am (Traditional)
West Campus
Good Friday Worship Services
Friday, April 18
On Friday, Jesus suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. God died for us. Why would we call the darkest day in history “good?” Because Jesus died for us and for our salvation. Because Jesus died for our good. Jesus gave his life: “No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again.” (John 10:18).
North Campus – 2900 Brodway N, Fargo
6:00pm | “No Greater Love” Cantata
God’s love is demonstrated for us powerfully in the sacrifice of Christ on the cross for our salvation. Join us at the north campus as the Praise Choir, Sanctuary Choir, Bells of Hope, and instrumental ensemble lead us in a cantata of worship through song and narration to the truth that “greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).
God’s love is demonstrated for us powerfully in the sacrifice of Christ on the cross for our salvation. Join us at the north campus as the Praise Choir, Sanctuary Choir, Bells of Hope, and instrumental ensemble lead us in a cantata of worship through song and narration to the truth that “greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).
South Campus – 3636 25th St S, Fargo
6:00pm | Shadow Passion Play (Livestream)
6:00pm | Shadow Passion Play (Livestream)
The Shadow Passion Play at our South Campus is a powerful portrayal of Jesus’ journey through Holy Week, from Palm Sunday to the cross. This unique Good Friday experience weaves worship music between dramatic shadow scenes that depict His final days. The evening will also include a meaningful message, inviting reflection on Christ’s sacrifice.
West Campus – 2633 55th St S, Fargo
6:00pm | The Power of the Cross Drama
The events of Good Friday involved many people, and each person was transformed by the work Jesus accomplished on the cross that day. Join us as we hear from those who were closest to Him. As we worship, pray, and listen, we’ll lean into the events of Good Friday and have a deeper understanding of what makes Good Friday so good!
6:00pm | The Power of the Cross Drama
The events of Good Friday involved many people, and each person was transformed by the work Jesus accomplished on the cross that day. Join us as we hear from those who were closest to Him. As we worship, pray, and listen, we’ll lean into the events of Good Friday and have a deeper understanding of what makes Good Friday so good!