Provide a welcoming environment at Hope Lutheran Church through a variety of activities including worship, events, and ministries.
Engage with programming that serves all ages from infants to adults. Ministries that are most in need of volunteers include Hopetots, Hopekids, Confirmation and High School Ministry.
Be involved with worship through reading scripture, hospitality or setup/take down.
There are a variety of opportunities for video, photography, lighting and sound.
Other Volunteer Opportunities
Open Arms Ministry
Support a child or student with a disability so they can participate in ministry activities. Click here to fill out the Volunteer Profile.
For more information, contact Judy S at 701.235.6629
Care for People
As a HopeCare volunteer, you care for people, help break the isolation, and bring the healing power of Jesus into the life of others through prayer, visitation, preparing and delivering meals and care baskets, and Stephen Ministry.
For more information, contact Barb at hopecare@fargohope.org
Music & Worship
Music and Worship are key elements in our mission for all people to know the love of Christ. There are a variety of serving opportunities including serving on our worship teams, playing in our bell choir, and singing in our adult choirs.
For more information or to volunteer in these musical opportunities, contact our team at worshiparts@fargohope.org.