Great Plains Food Bank
Volunteers accomplish vital tasks such as sorting, packing boxes, repackaging bulk items or other tasks. Wear closed toe shoes and clothing that can get dirty. Bring only water to drink. Located at 1720 3rd Ave N, Fargo. Enter the shipping & receiving door on the east side of the building.
Upcoming Dates (All shifts are 5:00-6:15pm):
Please check back for upcoming dates!
Mission Jamaica
Mission Jamaica provides a way for us to put our faith into action by loving and serving our neighbors as Jesus taught us through His love and service to others. The Mission Jamaica trip combines service projects with time for reflection and spiritual rest. Experience an international mission field that is close to home, yet far enough away to immerse yourself in another culture.
Donation List – Montego BayDonation List – Kingston
For more information contact adults@farohope.org
Churches United
Churches United relies on volunteers to help prepare and serve meals. Meal prep typically begins at 3:30pm, serving is 5:30pm-7:00pm at the latest.
Please consider getting involved with this great organization!

Down Home
Help those marginalized in our community. Visit Down Home to get involved or ask a question.
What? Down Home is looking to grow a prayer team that would intercede on behalf of the needs of Down Home and the community. We realize this team may start out small and grow over time. Down Home is a non-profit that decorates and fully furnishes the homes of families who are transitioning from homelessness to permanent housing. We stay in contact with them for at least their first year to help with the transition in any way we can.
Why? God has called us to this mission of helping families who are transitioning from homelessness to permanent housing and we realize this is a big calling. We are seeking God’s vision for Down Home and desire to be in His will. We are requesting God to multiply the little that we bring Him (time, treasure, talent) to accomplish big things in the lives of His children in need (Luke 9:16).
Who? Prayer Warriors. Anyone who is willing to commit to weekly prayer for Down Home and the community needs. People whose schedule allow them to meet at Down Home Wednesday mornings.