Middle School Hours
North, South & West Campus
Wednesday 7:15pm

Middle School Ministry at Hope Lutheran consists of the programming we make available to our 6-8th grade students. This includes our Wednesday evening/Sunday morning weekly gatherings, special events, and geared retreats. Every middle school student is welcome to be a part of Middle School Ministry at Hope without anything expected from them. We are simply glad they are here.


Hope Youth exists for youth to be loved (Hopetots), belong (Hopekids), believe (Middle School Ministry) and be light (High School Ministry). That’s the next part of the Great Commission: “baptizing them… and teaching them.” Students who choose to complete ABCs may attend the one-time event of Confirmation, which confers full adult membership in the Church.

Confirmation Attendance Make-up

To make up missed attendance, please watch the corresponding MSM video message linked below and submit your message notes in the digital form.



Youth Worship

Sundays 1:00-2:00pm, South Campus

Our desire for Hope’s Youth Worship (formerly Toast and Jam), is to create student led worship teams to lead their peers in worship for Middle School and High School programming.  


Join us for a weekly youth worship jam-session! This is a combined rehearsal at our South Campus for all middle and high school students. All musical abilities welcome; bring your instruments if you have one, or let us know what you’d like to learn!  
Fill out the interest form found by clicking the button below.



Parenting can be a challenge, especially when it comes to helping your child build a solid faith foundation. That said… we are here to help! Each month, check out a new resource for parents diving into a topic that will help you connect with your middle schooler on a deeper level. These resources are from an organization called Axis that specializes in helping equip parents to walk alongside of their youth in navigating their faith journey.

If you would like further resources or to connect on how we can further support you in these areas, please email Pastor Ben at bsullivan@fargohope.org.
701-235-6629, x145
701-235-6629, x142