If you are wanting to register for the remainder of 2024-2025, please fill out a paper form onsite

Hopetots Hours

North Campus**
Sunday 9:45am
Sunday 10:45am
Wednesday 6:00pm
South Campus
Sunday 9:30am
Sunday 10:45am
Wednesday 6:00pm
West Campus
Sunday 9:30am
Sunday 10:45am
Wednesday 6:00pm

Hopetots Overview

Our mission is to impress on our infants and toddlers God’s love and His truth through fun and interactive songs, games and activities using a special curriculum geared to meet their needs.
Each registered child will need to go through the official check-in process before entering the nursery/classroom. Check-in at a Hopekids kiosk and then staff will assist. Also, each child needs to be dismissed according to the official dismissal process.
*Children age three (and toilet-trained) by August 1, 2024, may enroll in Hopekids
**Due to staffing, we are currently unable to offer Hopetots at the North Campus. If you are interested in becoming a part-time lead teacher for Hopetots, please check out our Employment page for job descriptions and the online application. Job description can be found under Children’s Ministry Lead Teachers, Part-time.