If you are wanting to register for the remainder of 2024-2025, please fill out a paper form onsite
HSM Hours
North, South & West Campus
Wednesdays | 7:15-9:30pm
HSM Overview

HSM exists for students to know the love of Jesus.

A typical night of HSM looks like time for snacks, games, and hangout time with friends, with worship, a message, and of course, small group!



July 27-31 | Brimson, MN (transportation provided) 
Cost: $425* (full and partial scholarships available – email 

All current 8-12th graders are invited to join us for a week where we get to refresh and be FUEL-ed by God’s Word. This retreat is held at Camp House in Brimson, MN (near Duluth) and is one of our favorite places to disconnect and take in God’s creation. During our time at camp we will partake in the usual fun on the lake, state park visits, and some fun camp traditions like counting shooting stars, enjoying the sauna, picking wild blueberries, and camp Olympics all while growing together in community. Our focus through morning devotions and evening worship and messages is all about growing closer in our relationship with Jesus. We encourage all high schoolers to take in this retreat at least once in their high school years (but warning: once they come, they’ll want to come back). 

Registration closes July 6 or at capacity.


May 14 | 7:15pm | South Campus

Local high school seniors and their families are welcome to attend this special worship service to honor the class of 2025 and their continued journey in faith.


Sundays 1:00-2:00pm, South Campus

Our desire for Hope’s Youth Worship (formerly Toast and Jam), is to create student led worship teams to lead their peers in worship for Middle School and High School programming.  


Join us for a weekly youth worship jam-session! This is a combined rehearsal at our South Campus for all middle and high school students. All musical abilities welcome; bring your instruments if you have one, or let us know what you’d like to learn!  
Fill out the interest form found by clicking the button below.


High School Ministry Apparel

Ready for some new gear? Check out our HSM store for tees, crews and hoodies with our new logo!

Ordering takes 7-10 business days and orders will be available for pick-up from the Church Office at each campus during worship times, or regular Office hours. An email will be sent to you from Run Around Events Gear when your order is ready for pickup at the campus you selected (be sure to change the “shipping” location to “pick up”).


CONFIRMATION IS THE RITE OF PASSAGE where students confirm who they say Jesus is and become adult members of God’s Church, following four years of focused Christian instruction spanning sixth to ninth grade. At Confirmation held each May, eligible students confirm their faith in Jesus Christ, fulfilling the baptismal promises that parents, grandparents, godparents, and guides had been keeping for them until now. Please see the linked handbook for Confirmation requirements.


Confirmation Celebration Event
Sunday, May 18 | all campuses

*please refer to previous communications for service time

All 9th graders and students who have completed their Confirmation requirements are invited to attend along with their family members. For more information on what to expect and how to prepare for the event, please click here.


9th Grade Conversations

9th Grade Conversations are being planned for February. Ninth Graders will sign up for a 20-minute time-slot where they will have a faith conversation with a Hope Staff member. This conversation is a required step for 9th Graders wanting to be confirmed. 9th Grade parents, you will learn more about this in a 9th grade parent meeting, as well as through an email coming out mid-January with a link to sign-up in the allotted times.

Prepare: To help students prepare for their faith conversation, they may want to take some time to go through the “Apostles’ Creed Journal” and “Discussion Guide,” which focuses on the outline of the conversation.


Confirmation Attendance Make-up

To make up missed attendance, please watch the corresponding HSM video message linked below and submit your message notes in the digital form.

701-235-6629, x147
701-235-6629, x145