I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent. Luke 15:7

ONE Mission:

We are saved by the cross, so that we can join God in his redemption plan for the world. We will not stop, we will not rest, until all people know the love of Christ. The Holy Spirit is moving at our church and people are hungry for the gospel like never before. 

ONE Vision:
Jesus invites us to pursue the ONE. We are here, not for ourselves, but to love and serve others so that they might be found by the ONE God who loves us all.

Our vision is to build a space where we will pursue the ONE and grow together in maturity as the body of Christ.
For the ONE’ is a three-year generosity initiative that calls us to give boldly so that we can join God in his saving work in our community.

From January 22-March 2 we are asking you to attend worship each week to hear more about how God pursues the ONE, including Defining Moments testimonies from several Hope members. 

For the ONE Sermon Series Videos

Site Information

The site for the permanent West Campus is located North of 52nd Ave S and East of 9th Street West. Near Legacy Elementary School and north of The Ranch at the Wilds development. 

Site Location
Site Plan
ONE Dream:
Ten years ago, in our Decade of Hope campaign, God gave us a vision to launch our West Campus to meet the growth of our community and to reach the ONE. In the fall of 2019, we held our first West Campus worship service at Liberty Middle School. Since then, West Campus meets in a space that serves us well but is often busting at the seams. Our goal is to build a permanent ministry facility and update current youth ministry spaces so that we may continue fulfilling our mission. This location will serve our current West Campus families well and position us for future growth as we seek to reach the ONE! 
Phase I Floorplan
Phase One includes:
  • A sanctuary space that allows for more people to worship God and experience transformation through him.
  • A larger centralized gathering area that enhances community.
  • Educational spaces designed for youth of all ages and stages so that they may learn the Good News of Jesus.
  • Additional youth spaces to allow for continued growth.
  • Dedicated adult education space to help grow deeper relationships with Jesus.
  • Update youth spaces at North and South Campuses to further our outreach to youth. The financial target for phase one is $28 million.
Phase II Floorplan Phase Two includes:
  • A larger sanctuary space that can seat many more people in worship.
  • Dedicated space for families with active children to engage in worship.
  • An expanded gathering area to accommodate the growing number of of people seeking fellowship.
  • Worship support spaces and additional storage.

    The financial target for phase two is
    $35 million. 


West Campus Exterior Photos
*subject to change
Phase II Exterior – Looking Southwest
Phase II Exterior – Looking East
Entrance – Looking West
Burial Columbarium  
Outdoor Fellowship Area
West Campus Interior Photos
*subject to change
Phase I Main Entrance
Main Office Entrance
Coffee Shop – Library
Phase II Fellowship Space
Youth Commons Entrance
Youth Commons Interior
Youth Classroom
Youth Classroom
Updated Youth Spaces at North and South
*subject to change
North Campus Youth Area Update
North Campus Youth Classroom Update
South Campus Youth Area Update
South Campus Youth Classroom Update


As part of promotion for our For the ONE sermon series and generosity initiative, congregation members will have the opportunity to order one of two different branded t-shirts, crewnecks, or hoodies from the link at the link below. When ordering select the campus that you would like your order sent to.

Ordering takes 7-10 business days and orders will be available for pick-up from the Church Office at each campus during worship times, or regular Office hours. An email will be sent to you from Run Around Events Gear when your order is ready for pickup at the campus you selected. Part of the proceeds from each item ordered will be contributed to the For the ONE generosity initiative.