CONFIRMATION IS THE RITE OF PASSAGE where students confirm who they say Jesus is and become adult members of God’s Church, following four years of focused Christian instruction spanning sixth to ninth grade. At Confirmation held each May, eligible students confirm their faith in Jesus Christ, fulfilling the baptismal promises that parents, grandparents, godparents, and guides had been keeping for them until now. Please see the linked handbook for Confirmation requirements.

Confirmation Celebration Event
Sunday, May 18 | all campuses

*please refer to previous communications for service time

All 9th graders and students who have completed their Confirmation requirements are invited to attend along with their family members. For more information on what to expect and how to prepare for the event, please click here.


9th Grade Conversations

9th Grade Conversations are being planned for February. Ninth Graders will sign up for a 20-minute time-slot where they will have a faith conversation with a Hope Staff member. This conversation is a required step for 9th Graders wanting to be confirmed. 9th Grade parents, you will learn more about this in a 9th grade parent meeting, as well as through an email coming out mid-January with a link to sign-up in the allotted times.

Prepare: To help students prepare for their faith conversation, they may want to take some time to go through the “Apostles’ Creed Journal” and “Discussion Guide,” which focuses on the outline of the conversation.


Confirmation Attendance Make-up

To make up missed attendance, please watch the corresponding video message below and submit your message notes in the digital form. Requirements is 10 attendances per semester (Semester 1: September 4-December 18* & Semester 2: January 8-May 3).

March 12

Past Videos
October 2October 9October 23October 30November 6November 13November 20December 4December 18January 15January 22January 29February 5February 12February 19
February 26 was a panel and not broadcasted! Due to technical difficulties, the December 11 & January 8 video is not available. Sorry for the inconvenience!