If you are wanting to register for the remainder of 2024-2025, please fill out a paper form onsite
Hopekids Hours
North Campus
Sunday 9:45am
Sunday 10:45am
Wednesday 6:00pm
South Campus
Sunday 9:30am
Sunday 10:45am
Wednesday 6:00pm
West Campus
Sunday 9:30am (PreK-5th)
Sunday 10:45am (PreK-5th)
Wednesday 5:15pm (4-5th)
Wednesday 6:00pm (3yrs-3rd)
Hopekids Overview
Hopekids is a Christian education program for kids 3 years old (as of August 1, 2024 and toilet-trained) through 5th grade. Your child will connect with adult leaders who are committed to sharing their faith in Jesus Christ and hear God’s truth through interactive Bible teaching, creative dramas and high-energy music that is age appropriate and reinforces learning.

5th Grade First Communion Class & Worship Service
At Hope Lutheran Church it is our desire to partner with parents to fulfill the promises they made to their children during baptism. One of those promises is, “to provide for their instruction in the Christian faith.”
5th Grade students and their families are invited to a special class and worship service held at the South Campus on March 30 from 1:00-3:00pm. We encourage you to invite family members to attend with you. 5th graders – remember to bring your Bibles with you to this event.
5th Graders will receive their first communion at our Maundy Thursday Worship Service:
North Campus: 7:15pm Worship Service
South Campus: 6:00 & 7:15pm Worship Service
West Campus: 6:00 & 7:15pm Worship Service

Hopekids Singing in Worship
Preschool-5th Grade Hopekids will be singing in worship April 9 & 13.
Kids Choir

Our Hosanna Kids Choir is for children in grades 1-5 who enjoy singing. They rehearse weekly on Wednesdays from 5:20-5:50pm and sing in worship approximately once a month, October–May. Children are welcome to join at any time. The mission of our children’s choir program is to praise God, build relationships and encourage students to know the love of Christ.
Sing-along and practice the dance moves to your favorite worship songs sung at Hopekids and VBX!