We invite you to jump into the promises of God that are yours in the living waters of baptism. At Hope Lutheran there is no age limit for baptism.
Baptism Orientation
Prerequisite for baptisms at Hope is the Baptism Orientation. Class only needs to be attended once per family. Please RSVP below, light brunch is offered.

Upcoming orientations

  • Sunday, March 23, 12pm, West Campus
  • Sunday, April 27, 12pm, North Campus
  • Sunday, May 25, 12pm, South Campus
Baptism Schedule Options
North Campus
Sunday  |  8:30am  |  10:45am
Wednesday  |  6:00pm
South Campus 
Sunday  |  8:30am  |  10:45am
Wednesday  |  6:00pm
West Campus
Sunday  |  10:45am
Wednesday  |  6:00pm
Baptisms NOT Available:
April 2, 6, 9, 13, 17, 20 & 30
May 4 & 28
June 1 & 11
July 9, 13 & 30
August 3
September 3 & 7